Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!
All tagged selflove
But, I've been having a blast!
Feeling good, feeling great...feeling great, feeling good. How are you?
Yes, it's official...I'm in formation.
I feel strong, I feel confident...
What are some of your favorite bariatric-friendly/low carbohydrate meals?
Β ...that person, other than my mother, that checks at least once a day to make sure that I haven't fallen down a flight of stairs...
Motivated to make the best out of other areas of my life, too.
Even the flyest flyboy can't always fly alone...Β
Maybe there's a disconnect between talking about my life and the intimacy of being inside my body...Β
Take a look at my progress over the last 12 months
Change is the only certainty in this world.