Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!
RnB singer, believer in human flight, mystery pee-er...R. Kelly was lying. I am The World's Greatest.
I'm Niki. I'm 30-something years old. I currently reside in Chicago, IL, and to be perfectly honest, the last two sentences are probably the only things I've ever had in common with R. Kelly at some point in time. Unless you want to braid my hair..."won't you braid my haaaa-airrrr"?
I started this blog to coincide with my big life transition from certified, morbid obese person to slightly less morbid obese person. In October of 2015, I underwent bariatric surgery. At my highest weight, I hovered around 360 lbs. I am currently 235.6 lbs* with a goal weight of 190 lbs.
This blog will feature the highs, the lows, and the bulging chubby middles of my weight loss story, my love of all things food, and fun times I have in Chicago.
I'm working on laughing my ass off. Come laugh with me?
*August 3, 2017