

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!

29 Week Weight Loss Update

29 Week Weight Loss Update

Life has been pretty hectic lately. Obviously too hectic for me to slap on a wig and some makeup you can see in the video. 

Things are good. Better than good. I have moved out of the landlord from hells apartment after spending a few weeks with a hole in the bathroom ceiling. 

Not cool! 

Not cool! 

I've seen a few good shows, hung out with friends, and participated in a storytelling event. I've also met a man who makes me smile so much my face hurts.


JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound

JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound





Frans I

Frans I

Frans II

Frans II

The struggle for me now is finding out, along with the help of my therapist, why I seem to believe that weight loss journey and my journey to happiness in friendships and romantic relations are mutually exclusive. 

For the first four months post op, I was a MACHINE! I was so focused on my health that I hardly had time for anyone else. Now, I need to learn to find a balance between actively focusing on my health and on my social life.  

The only conclusion I can gather is that I have learned through life experiences, to be excessively independent. I have a pattern of thinking no one can help or support me in any capacity more than I can help and support myself. I'm beginning to realize that that thinking leads me to either intense self focus or concentrating fully on others. 

I need to be more mindful of balance. Even the flyest flyboy can't always fly alone. 

One year ago vs this week...not naked! 

One year ago vs this week...not naked! 

30 Weeks Post Op - I'm going to do this, y'all!

30 Weeks Post Op - I'm going to do this, y'all!

25 Weeks Post Op - Old Habits/Day Hard

25 Weeks Post Op - Old Habits/Day Hard