But, I've been having a blast!
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!
All tagged music
But, I've been having a blast!
Yes, it's official...I'm in formation.
Β ...that person, other than my mother, that checks at least once a day to make sure that I haven't fallen down a flight of stairs...
Motivated to make the best out of other areas of my life, too.
Even the flyest flyboy can't always fly alone...Β
I haven't posted any new jams...
Change is the only certainty in this world.
if you don't ride the electronic music train, that's ok
one small step for woman, one giant leap for pizzakind!
Happy Monday! Be great this week!
This is probably my favorite playlist I've made for Motivation Monday
The last 12 years or so have been filled with loud places.
But, if I create my own destiny and positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes, am I not responsible for the shit storm that is stinking up my life?