

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!

Seven days...except only six

Seven days...except only six

I planned to write this post yesterday, but I didn't because I didn't have time. So now, my surgery is actually in six days, not seven, but anytime I hear "seven days" I think of The Ring. So there.  These header photos are getting thematic. This week has been scary movies, I guess. 

As numbered lists are all the rage, I figured I could make a few as I count down to the big day! We'll pretend I wrote this yesterday. People keep asking me how I feel about surgery being so close. Am I excited? Am I scared? I am all of the things, but let's scared with excited! 


1.  I'm ready to get this over with. 

This process has been long. It's been all most a year of processes. I'm ready! 

2.  Meal prep is going to be easier.

I can't eat much. Mostly protein shakes. That's easy enough! 

3.  I get to work on body goals.

Muscles! Muscles! Muscles!

4.  I will have more room on CTA. 

That's just a fact. I don't like squeezing my fat between two people.

5.  My ego is going to explode. 

Just kidding! But I'm excited to have more confidence in my body. 

6.  Clothes!

More options! More options! More options! 

7.  I'm excited for working out.

I want to start running more without carrying so much weight!

Header photo courtesy of DigNewsDaily





[I want] To see what your insides look like

[I want] To see what your insides look like