

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!

[I want] To see what your insides look like

[I want] To see what your insides look like

Yesterday was hard. I was just not in a great place mentally. I feel like no one can be prepared for the emotional roller coaster of this journey. But, the other morning, I rode the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier before they closed and dismantled it to build another. I'm terrified of getting onto Ferris wheels, but I did. I just got on. I didn't freak out. I just got on. 

So long, Ferris (Bueller) Wheel. Hehe, Chicago jokes. 

So long, Ferris (Bueller) Wheel. Hehe, Chicago jokes. 

And that's what I'm doing with surgery. Not to say I didn't think about it, because I thought about it for exhaustion. What I mean is, I'm just getting on. I'm going for it and bracing myself for the bumps when they come. 

One thing that has been helping me with the emotions that are starting to creep into my mind is watching videos of roux-en-y surgeries. I know, I's weird. But, it's calming for me. So, I was searching YouTube the other day, and I found one performed by my surgeon! So exciting! Before we get there, and for people who are not into internal body footage, lets meet my surgeon. Ladies and gentleman, Dr. Jeffrey S Fronza, M. motha f'ing D.! 

Ummmm Isn't he adorable, though? He's 12. Just kidding, but he does look super young and he doesn't know it, but I call him Doogie. They kinda look alike. 

Again, as I mentioned in an earlier post, he knows about Jason Priestley. He's a cool guy. The only thing cooler would be if he came into the room before surgery and yells "I want to see what your insides look like" into a vocoder like Ghostface in Scream...but I won't know because I'll be under anesthesia. DANG! Also, I don't know if that was a vocoder, Ghostface didn't really sound like Giorgio Moroder or T-Pain

And now...for the main event! The footage isn't that graphic, but if you think seeing intestines and fat is gross, even if it is quite a clean cavity in this case, don't watch. 


Header photo courtesy of Forbes 

Seven days...except only six

Seven days...except only six