It's been six months since I had weight loss surgery! I can't believe how fast this journey is happening. In celebration of one of the most important decisions I've made in my life, I decided to have a photo shoot! I'll still make a YouTube video like every week and probably include the photos there, but I couldn't wait to share them and offer a few words on my progress!
Six Reasons I'm Celebrating My WLS Journey
1. I feel great! I have so much more energy and so much less pain.
2. Shopping! I can walk into more stores, find and buy a plethora of options off the racks.
3. My self esteem has sky-rocketed! I'm not saying that every day is sunshine and roses. That is definitely not the case, but working through difficult circumstances no longer involves intense self debate about whether or not this is happening 'because I'm fat'.
4. Working out is easier. Working out can still be a chore at times, but I'm finding that it is much easier to push myself longer, faster, and harder. It is worth it!
5. Food is a treat! More than ever, when I want crappy food: a slice of cake, a slice of pizza, or fries, I don't feel guilty about it, because I know it is not the majority of my diet.
6. I am healthier. I have gone from taking so many pills every day to taking my multivitamins and 2 pills a day to regulate conditions that are obesity-related...and my doctor is predicting that I will be able to stop taking them soon!
I still have a long way to go. My "goal weight" is another 70lbs lighter than I am now. But, I'm proud of myself. I wanted to share that feeling and my progress. My body hasn't been edited in the photos (ok maybe a blemish here or there), but no edits on my body. Yep, those are my hairy arm pits! Yep, that is cellulite on my thighs! Of course, there is stretchmarks on my arms! I'm enjoying this new body, this new journey, and this new life, and if these photos help one person to be motivated to make whatever changes they want in their life, then they have the results I've hoped for!
Header photo courtesy of ADoseofShipBoy
Photos by https://www.instagram.com/bmberrey/