

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!

I wanna lose 3 lbs

I wanna lose 3 lbs

Like my idol, Regina George, I want to lose 3 lbs, but like times 30. Yesterday started my pre-op diet. Things are ok. I don't feel crazy...yet. In case you're not sure of the particulars of the gastric bypass pre-op diet, well it goes a little something like this...

Man, I really wish I'd compiled a 1980s style rap with the details of the bariatric surgery preop diet, but who has the time?  The preop diet varies by wls patient. I thought mine would be a lot more calorie restrictive than it is. The basic idea is DO NOT EAT CARBS.

The purpose of the diet is to reduce the size of the liver to make the surgery easier. The part of the stomach that will be operated on is tucked under the liver. The smaller the liver, the easier it is for the surgeon to throw it across the room. Just kidding. They just move it out of the way. 

 My preop diet example:

BREAKFAST: a 100% whey protein shake with protein powder, unsweetened almond milk, low fat Greek yogurt, and a splash of sugar-free flavored coffee creamer

SNACK: a cheese stick 

LUNCH: Beef Merlot Atkins frozen meal 

SNACK: sugar-free pudding cup & a side salad

DINNER: 1 cup of chicken chili

SNACK: sugar-free popcicle 

I need to follow the diet  because for the last two weeks I've been chillin' like this koala. I'm going to try to go to the gym today...but we'll see.

I'm doing ok for now...but I'm kinda hoping, for everyone's entertainment, that my mind gets fuzzier so that my posts will get weirder. 

Header photo courtesy of Huffington Post



Motivation Monday

Motivation Monday