

Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in weight loss, food, and fun in Chicago. Please have a nice stay!

Week 20/5 Months Update

Week 20/5 Months Update

I'm 20 weeks post op! I feel great physically, except for this beginnings of a cold. WLS-wise, things seem to be slowing down as far as weight loss goes. But, I see my GP and my surgeon next week so I'm going to ask about these stalls. 

Outside of WLS, I'm trying to plan a vacation to my friends wedding in Spain. I'm just trying to figure out how to finance this trip. I've been considering a GoFundMe campaign, but I'm afraid people will be like

Other than that, I've been working, working out, meeting new people, enjoying life, and trying to get some business taken care of with finances, moving, etc. #Adulting! 

Header photo courtesy of williamson


21 Weeks Post Op & 100 (+1) lbs Down

21 Weeks Post Op & 100 (+1) lbs Down

Week 18 update

Week 18 update