It's Time
It's time for a reset. 2016 was an incredible year for me. But, a terrible year for...ummm...society. In the moments following my first trip abroad and the election outcome from hell, I completely fell off having any motivation on my weight loss journey. It's sad. Realizing that I have an appointment with my PCP shortly after New Years, I have dedicated some time to making a plan to get back on track. Think of it as a New Years resolution, even though I don't do those.
1. Starting January 2, no alcohol on Monday through Thursday. I've done this in the past, and it works out pretty well/saves a ton of money. No, I don't get pissy drunk every day of the week, but I am a come home and relax with one beer type of lady.
2. GET BACK TO THE GYM. At least 3 days a week. At the very least. I'm starting to stiffen up and have leg pain again. That is enough of a reason to get back to exercise. I loathe being in pain. I'm currently on 4 of the last 5 days and that's only because the gym was closed on Christmas.
3. Cut out caffeine and limit carbs. Again something I've done in the past. I don't really drink too much coffee, but sugar free Red Bull is what I imagine the nectar of the Gods tastes like. I love that crap.
4. Up my water intake. Once upon a time, I was drinking at least 75 ounces of water/day. Did I pee a lot? Yes. But, I also felt amazing!
5. Cut back/attempt to quit smoking. Ullllggghhh...but I like smoking. This will be difficult.
6. Start focusing on blogging/making YouTube videos again. It's really easy for me to get off track with these posts and videos. I keep a pretty busy schedule, but I've realized that when I was posting regularly, I was consistently losing weight.
Sounds daunting, right? Well, yeah, but this time of year always gets me motivated for change!